Superduperstitious Special Reports
Sometimes one episode just isn’t enough to give a topic its due. In such instances, a two-episode, extra-educational deep dive is in order! These are those.
A look at reports of visitors from beyond the stars, and how life evolved here on Earth
The boys kick off 2018 with the first half of an epic two-part investigation into the weird world of encounters with extraterrestrials! But don't expect either of them to say that word correctly on the first try.
In the second half of this extraterrestrial spectacular, Wyatt and Jake science at you, and they science at you HARD.
Special Report #2: Super Natural
What’s the story with all this New Age stuff?
As we start another two-part Superduperstitious Special Report, we ask you to open your mind to the oneness of all, to let the natural energy surround you, and also to listen to two punkass scientists try describing New Age beliefs verbatim without losing their damned minds.
The conclusion of this New Age deep dive finds our intrepid dorks ready to revisit last week's topics, but this time with a heaping helping of science to accompany each and every bite of that crunchy granola.
An exploration of continued belief in wild Phenomena despite ample debunking
Here at Superduperstitious, it's our goal to separate fact from stupid ol' poopy dumb stuff, but it's not always so simple.
We sure do fall for some goofy stuff, don't we? I wonder if there's, like, a reason why or something?
A critical look at the methodologies of cryptozoologists, ghost hunters, and all manner of paranormal researchers
Halfway to a hundred eps, and it’s time for the boys to bite the hand that feeds them with another two-part deep dive!
What better way to end the year than with the conclusion of this Superduperstitious Special Report? There are better options? Never mind, just listen to the damned podcast.
Getting to the bottom of this whole “Missing 411” business
Part II of this Superduperstitious Special Report seeks to finally answer the age-old question: Why come all these peoples be missing?
SPECIAL REPORT #6: Creature Features
Movie monsters vs. real world biology (but in a fun way!)
SPECIAL REPORT #7: Superstitions
I mean this one’s pretty self-explanatory.
It’s Special Report time, mofos! And also long past time that the podcast looked into its namesake.
SPECIAL REPORT #8: Fear Factors
Why do folks like gettin’ scurred?
What better way to kick off October than with another Superduperstitious Special Report! This edition seeks to answer the age old question: why come scary stories?
Another Superduperstitious Special Report concludes, this time with a whole buncha psychology, neurology, and cultural history FACTZ.
SPECIAL REPORT #9: Cryptozoology
When coattail-riding and colonialism collide
Another Superduperstitious Special Report? Another critical look at the pseudoscientific shenanigans of cryptozoology? BOTH?! What a day!
Cryptozoology, that beloved pseudoscience so full of bold hat choices, gets the rest of its comeuppance this week!