Episode 78 – Not the Real Sredni Vashtar

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Wyatt and Jake are determined to stick to their month-long prompt of finding stories from all around the world, even if they’re terrible at it. This week, it’s India!

Following a quick PANDER session for patrons, Jake continues to use Reddit as a crutch as he just kinda dumps out a series of random stories vaguely connected to the country in question. Haunted objects? Haunted houses? Very tall women? This segment’s got ‘em all, plus a horrible humanoid creature sighting for extra good measure.

It’s then time to face the dreaded wheels in a long overdue round of Shadowlands Roulette, but that doesn’t deter Wyatt from proceeding onward to tell the story of some bugs and some music. Turns out, when there are more people around to spread rumors, those rumors spread very effectively. But, like, nobody ENJOYS getting randomly scratched in the face at night, so, you know.

Be cautious of any unpainted decorations brought home by family members, and try not to repeat “sanedo sanedo sanedo laal sanedo” TOO many times if you can avoid it. Superduperstitious is not liable if this episode causes you to become possessed/cursed. Batteries not included. Some restrictions apply. Results may vary.



Cover image artwork by Greg Noiz


First story
Assortment of stories
“This One Time in India”
Xtro GIF


Muhnochwa 1
Muhnochwa 2
Muhnochwa 3
Muhnochwa 4
Weird cricket
Cursed songs
“Jhalak Dikhla Ja”
“Sanedo Sanedo (Lal Sanedo)”

Episode 73-96Jacob Withee