Episode 76 – Mos' Scotia

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Watch out for rogue waves and try to outrun your shadow, it’s time for some international tales! (Note: If the episode prompt is “the British Isles”, don’t be surprised when both hosts just pick Scotland.)

After a noisy revisit to what was once believed to be bugs, Jake mounts an expedition to the Cairngorms, the favored haunt of An Fear Liath Mòr, The Big Grey Man. There are many opinions on what this frightening figure lurking atop Ben Macdui might be, but one thing’s for sure: finding out will involve a lot of embarrassing impersonations.

A brand new recurring segment follows, in which Wyatt and Jake find a new use for the NCAAA, the arcane computer they built/summoned back in Episode 60. After that, Wyatt takes us to the Outer Hebrides (pronounced HEE-bryedz) to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the lighthouse keepers of Eilean Mòr. Hear the century-old tale of how, if you go outside without a coat, you’ll catch a cold so bad that three guys die.

You CANNOT be ready for the amazing adventure that is AUGUST AROUND THE WORLD. It all starts here, on Superduperstitious!



Sonic attacks update

“Mos’ Scocious”


Am Fear Liath Mòr
The Scotsman article
Alastair Borthwick’s accounts
Brocken spectre photo #1
Brocken spectre photo #2
Reel by Calum Stewart


The Eilean Mòr lighthouse mystery
Historic UK
Theories as to what happened
Microburst GIF