Episode 154 – Little Red Robin Hood


What’s that sound? I mean, other than the whole “podcast” thing? Oh ho, it’s yet another episode ABOUT sounds!

Jake ventures into the Arkansas/Missouri woods in search of the Ozark Howler. Is it a monster? Is it animals? Yes! Wyatt then revisits New York for some Upstate acoustic oddities that are almost certainly better than a pair of cans on a string. ALMOST CERTAINLY.

Grab a whole bottle of wine and whisper something in the vague direction of Boston or Chicago, because it’s Superduperstitious time!


All-purpose show links

Four Phantoms email: fourphantomsbeer@gmail.com
Four Phantoms website
Four Phantoms store


Only in Ark
The Ozark Howler (escape room??)
Animal sounds
Coyote yip
Hyena laugh
Ozark Howler composite goofitude


New York Upstate
Video of Lake George Mystery Spot
Whispering galleries

Episode 145-168Jacob Withee