Episode 33 – There Are No Moose


Without a specific theme to this week's episode, ANYTHING can happen! But really just two things happen. Wyatt hits us with an abduction experience that he initially thought would be a Springheeled Jack encounter (Jack was of course too busy eating Scully Joes with the Devil to bother these specific fishermen in Mississippi). Don't believe the eyewitnesses? Just ask Puddin'! Puddin's dead now, but he was a fine man.

Jake then relays three creepy, unique nighttime encounters with some horrifying monsters. Watch as white people jump to conclusions. All that, plus a listener's creepy clown surprise! Please practice proper high beam etiquette as you join us for a good old fashioned regresh sesh on this week's Superduperstitious.



Pascagoula abduction


"I think I almost hit a skinwalker"
"My personal experience with a skinwalker"
"Skinwalker? Wendigo? What the f*** did I see?"
Sighting video